Perpetuating the untrue truth that maybe the world would be a little better if everyone told one white lie...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Top 10 Things to Do Other Than Study

1. Create a To Do List that you pretend may help you study:

The fatal flaw in this list is that if you don't complete one task, you feel no obligation to do the remaining tasks. Therefore, when I forgot to buy an energy drink, the rest of my future came tumbling down... You may say then you should just skip to number two right? WRONG WRONG WRONG. That's not how neurotic OCD people work.
 You may also suggest to edit the list... But if I just edited away all my problems, what kind of person would I be? A shitty one, obviously.

2. Sit outside and make friends with strangers.

(Note: This only works when it IS NOT 2am and everyone else is inside studying. When that happens you just look lonely and odd.)

2 and a half. Look lonely and odd. 

3. Google fun facts. (Actually its Bing, but don't be nitpicky)

4. Decide you are too lazy to actually look at fun facts, and blog about it instead.

5. Delete old text messages, because lets be honest, who can work with a ton of old text messages cluttering up the inbox of your phone?

6. Kick yourself for deleting all your texts... You never knew how much they meant to you until you deleted them all. 
                         (Is there such a thing as electronic hoarders? Where is that TV show? Because I totally be on that.)

7. Make awkward eye contact with person who just walked by at 2am. Realize they think your crazy. Accept the inevitability and continue typing.

8. Make bids on ebay for unaffordable things, hoping that a glitch in the system will get you a 12dollar Porsche (it has to happen at least once). Relish in the fact you at least tried to do something productive.
If I could of won this, I would have been able to mark number 9 off my to do list...

9. Feel bad for not accomplishing anything and for potentially failing out of college.

10. Sadly drive to circle K and buy energy drinks. Hope that all is not lost. 

Peace, Love, and Procrastination.

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